• Check out Our Locator (U.S. only) to find our products nearest you.

  • You can order directly from the UNLIMEAT Shop right here on our website! Some of our products are also available on Amazon, Instacart, and DashMart for your convenience.

  • Orders ship Monday to Thursday only. Once we receive your order, it will be processed at our fulfillment center within 1–2 business days. After packing, you'll receive a tracking number when it’s ready to ship. Orders are sent via UPS 1-day air shipping to ensure your frozen food arrives in the best condition.

    We ship Monday through Thursday and do not process shipments on Friday and weekends.

  • Feel free to share your details with us through the Food Service.

    We also offer some products in bulk through our online shop.


  • Yes, all our products are made from 100% plant-based ingredients.

  • All products are frozen, except for the jerky.

    Please keep the products frozen and place them in the freezer as soon as you receive them. Thaw before cooking.

  • Some of our dessert options are available gluten-free including Chapsaruni (Korean mochi cake)!

  • Our products are made with GMO-free ingredients, and we’re currently working on obtaining certification.

  • We use various plant-based proteins such as non-GMO soy protein, wheat protein, and pea protein in our products. Please refer to the product pages for detailed ingredient information.